Do US Universities Accept IELTS? – CV Nation

Do US Universities Accept IELTS?

Posted by Neil Faragher on

Most US universities require students to take an English language test to demonstrate that they possess the language skills required to participate in their chosen course. But which English test do US universities accept? Do US universities accept IELTS?

The majority of US universities do accept IELTS as an English language test. In fact, over 3,400 academic institutions in the United States accept IELTS. However, as US universities are private institutions that don’t follow the same procedures, there are a small number of universities in the US that don’t accept IELTS.

What is IELTS?

IELTS – or The International English Language Testing System – is a standardised English language test that is used in over 190 countries. Over 11,000 academic institutions across the world use IELTS as part of their entry criteria.

The majority of academic institutions in the US, UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand accept IELTs as an English language test.

With IELTs, there is no minimum score required to pass the test. All test takers receive a test report that provides a score from 1 to 9. On this scale of 1 to 9, 1 means the test taker has no English language proficiency and 9 means the test taker has an expert command of the English language.

What IELTS Score Do US Universities Require?

As US universities have the freedom to set their own entry requirements, there is no exact IELTS score requirement. Some may accept lower scores, while others, such as the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University, require scores as high as 8.5.

The majority of US universities accept IELTS scores of 6. According to IELTS testing scale, a score of 6 means the test taker is a competent English language user, despite a few inaccuracies and misunderstandings in their use of the language.

The top ranked universities in the US, such as Harvard, Yale and Princeton University, tend to require and IELTS scores of at least 7. On the IELTS testing scale, a score of 7 means the test taker has a good command of the English language.

How to Prepare for an IELTS Test?

So, now that you know that most US universities accept IELTS as an English language test, how do you go about preparing for your test?

One of the best ways to prepare yourself for an IELTS test is to study the sample questions on IELTs website. Studying these sample questions will help get yourself familiar with the test format and the type of tasks that you will be asked to undertake.

You can also take an official IELTS practice test if you’re not sure you’re yet ready for the real thing.

How to Register for IELTS?

When you feel that you’re ready to sit your IELTS test, start by finding your nearest IELTS testing station. There are more than 1,600 IELTS testing stations globally, so finding one near to you shouldn’t be a problem.

Once you’ve found your IELTS testing station, it’s time to get registered. You can register and pay for your IELTS test online. Alternatively, you can download and print an application form and bring it with you to your local testing station.

Once you have registered for your test, the test centre will get in touch to provide you with a confirmation of the date and time of your test.

How Much Does IELTS Cost?

In the UK, an IELTS test costs one-hundred-and-eighty-five pounds. In the United States, IELTS tends to cost between one-hundred-and-forty-dollars and three-hundred-and-ten dollars, depending on the location.

Can You Take IELTS tests Online?

Can you take IELTS tests online? Or do you have to go to your local testing centre to take the test?

From early 2022, you will be able to take your IELTS test online. This online test will have all the same features as the tests taken in an official test centres.

Like IELTS exams taken in an official test centre, online tests are marked by trained IELTS examiners. After taking your test online, you will receive your results within 3-5 days.

We hope you have found this guide helpful. For more information about similar topics, feel free to check out our career blog, which includes a number of comprehensive guides.

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